Against cellular aging
How its funcional active ingredients work:
VERISOL® hydrolyzed collagen:: published clinical studies report important results from the point of view of increasing skin elasticity, decrease in the depth of wrinkles already after four weeks of use, improving hydration and reducing the appearance of orange peel in cellulite..
Vitamin C: antioxidant, increases the formation of collagen fibers.
An ethical and responsible commitment that is expressed in constant and advanced research, a rigorous choice of suppliers, a precise selection of raw materials, an accurate control of all stages of production and in the international standard’s accomplishment for production and safety, as is evidenced in the numerous certifications obtained.
An Eco-Sustainable Approach
We have long been involved in the Green Initiative project to contribute, in a small way, to save the planet, guaranteeing better living conditions for all and delivering a better world to future generations. A committed path that makes our products with the highest most respect for the environment, using renewable energy, eliminating waste and recycling, within the production sites, 87% of processing residues.
Coming to us Flosé means turning to a company that has been awarded numerous certificates relating to various activities and areas of the production hub.