From REVIPHARMA’s decades of pharmaceutical experience, FLOSÉ is born. With us the customer can find an answer to every needs
Our strength is to offer customized solutions and personalised products, together with an expert and dedicated service, a high-quality offer, strictly Made in Italy.
We offer all women and men a new lifestyle in the full sense of their well-being and beauty.
Thanks to specific products and customized programs for every skin type.
To contribute for a healthier and more harmonious planet.

Bitter Orange: : The immature fruit is rich in Synephrine, a substance that is capable of causing a significant reduction in appetite. The property slimming synephrine also result from its stimulating effect on thermogenesis (body heat production = increased calorie consumption) and on lipolysis (use of fats for energy purposes).
Guaranà: it is attributed "slimming" properties due to caffeine. In in particular, the slimming action seems to be carried out both indirectly - through the promotion of lipolysis - both directly, through the release of fatty acids from their deposits towards the bloodstream.
Chromium: is a microelement able to regulate the insulin response (then check the sugar metabolism).
Garcinia: its properties are given by hydroxycitric acid which inhibits synthesis of fatty acids by limiting the accumulation of sugars in the form of fat not used by the body to produce energy (introduced in excess with the food); stimulates the production of serotonin and leptin, two of the main hormones anorectics, sending a signal to the brain that indicates that the body is "Satiated". By stimulating the production of serotonin (good mood hormone, factor important during low-calorie diets) regulates the mood.
Bean: promotes the stability of blood sugar by helping to prevent its decrease between meals which leads to the physiological need to introduce sugars.
Rhubarb: exerts a digestive action, thanks to the increase in secretion of gastric juices that it is able to cause. Rhubarb also works on the intestine, favoring its peristalsis with a consequent mild effect laxative.

No KAL formula, when the weight...weighs!
Overweight is an important risk factor for health as it can lead to cardiovascular complications, affecting the musculoskeletal system, but also the onset of diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, hypertension.
It is the result of the variable combination of two elements:
1. Genetic predisposition (not modifiable)
2. Environmental (easy access to high-calorie foods and drinks, stress) and behavioral factors (sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, etc.) on which one can intervene (modifiable factors).
Food intake is regulated by the HYPOTALAMUS with signals that stimulate it (sense of hunger) or inhibit it (sense of satiety). It has been shown that in adipose tissue there are "SENSORS" capable of indicating the extent of fat deposits and transmitting it to the hypothalamus. If the deposits are reduced, the hypothalamus stimulates hunger; when they are abundant, the sense of satiety is stimulated through 2 important hormones: INSULIN and LEPTIN. This delicate mechanism can also get stuck due to stress, search for food such as gratification, smoking, wrong lifestyle habits.
An ethical and responsible commitment that is expressed in constant and advanced research, a rigorous choice of suppliers, a precise selection of raw materials, an accurate control of all stages of production and in the international standard’s accomplishment for production and safety, as is evidenced in the numerous certifications obtained.
An Eco-Sustainable Approach
We have long been involved in the Green Initiative project to contribute, in a small way, to save the planet, guaranteeing better living conditions for all and delivering a better world to future generations. A committed path that makes our products with the highest most respect for the environment, using renewable energy, eliminating waste and recycling, within the production sites, 87% of processing residues.
Coming to us Flosé means turning to a company that has been awarded numerous certificates relating to various activities and areas of the production hub.